So today i thought it could be interesting to post some, id say different music. All in excellence might i add, but different. For instance, might have different beats, or different lyrics or even a different sound. I think personally that it's interesting to see all of the different genres of music and different styles many artists decide to preforme or interpret. Different sounds could bring a song in such different directions. It's neat to think that there are different types of music, which all bring different emotions in play.
House on the hill - Beach House
In my opinion this song is very very unique. The unique beat present through out the song holds it together.
Alice - Pogo
This song is more ambiant id think. It's a bit repetitive but it gives the whole song that effect. I for one, think its an excellent song, very different.
I Want A House - Twin Sister
This tune is alot slower, and i absolutly love it. Though the only thing the artist really talks about is really wanting a house.
Now, I've just presented you with three excellent, very different songs. I thought it would be nice if i presented you with three very common vocale songs. No music ever sounds the same, all is unique and different and presents different emotions and different subjects.
This Love - Chad Michael Stewart
I absolutly love this song, its very deep. You can tell alot of emotion was put into making it. Also, mr Chad Michael Stewarts' voice is excellent and brings a large amount to the outcome of the song.
(Unfortunatly i couldnt find a video for this song, but download it.)
Wayside - Hawksley Workman
The start of this song i am not a huge fan of, by the starting i mean the first 10 - 20 seconds. But once you get into the chorus its an amazing song. I find this mans voice carries out the song and the lyrics are an added touch.
(Also no video for this song, bummer.)
Life before aesthetics - Denison Witmer
I just think this song is amazing.
(You have to fast forward the video about 10 - 15 seconds.)
Please enjoy!
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